
My Top Three Goals for May

It’s May already? It’s crazy how fast the days go by! Anyway, the beginning of a new month means it’s time to evaluate my last monthly goals and set new goals for this month.

To be honest, I could have done a better job in accomplishing my goals but I guess you can always say it in retrospect, the actual achievement is to make it happen within the timeline you set yourself. I hope this month I’ll remember it more often, as it’s a good source for motivation, isn’t it?


April Goals RECAP



Oh, technology… it has such an amazing way to make our life so easy the same time it creates more mess in it. You can create files so fast these days, that you do it without thinking twice. You can save and backup files faster than ever before and because it’s mostly done in the background without the need for you to do anything and usually even without you noticing it, the amount of redundant file can rapidly accumulate your digital space.

In April I tried to declutter my digital space, but as I expected it’s really not an easy task as I have tons of files to go through. I did some work, but I can’t check it off yet. I believe I will be working on it for another few months or so.



I almost accomplished this one. I posted 3 times in April, which is a personal record itself, and I have another post drafted in the pipeline. I feel I’m in the right direction to make blogging more manageable for me and posting 3 times a month is a good number for me right now.



It’s a proven fact that old-school writing, on paper, is much more powerful than typing the keyboard. I did journal a little, but not by exclusively using my BuJo as I intended to, so I will keep trying practicing it until eventually it will become a habit, I hope.




1 | Create a Diet plan

I know for some time that I’m lactose intolerant, but I’ve recently noticed I am sensitive for foods that contain gluten as well. This caused me some discomfort, to say the least, so I have to research and understand better what my nutrition should consist from while taking into consideration my fitness goals.


2| Take a personal trainer

I’m working out at the gym consistently from January. I do see the changes in my body from when I started and really am proud of my progress, but I feel I’m missing professional guidance to be fully capable to achieve my fitness goals.  This month I want to have a couple of personal trainings which I’m sure I will gain some good value from.


3| Improve my Posture

I’m pushing hard on the health goals this month as may notice, and this is another one of those. I feel I really need to improve my posture and there are exercises that can help with that so I want to try them this month.


What are your goals for May? 

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