Hi there!
I'm Liron, nice to meet you!

I’m a lucky wife and a proud mom,
a professional software & web developer,
a graphic designer, a content creator and a passionate photographer,
but in short,
I’m the girl behind this cozy corner of the big internet.
This is my journey to discovering how to create my dream life – one that I find beautiful and meaningful,
filled with passion, love, fun and joy.
Here, I’ll share everything I learn about personal growth & lifestyle design.
I’ll be covering topics in travel, music,photography, cooking,
everything family related, personal style and self-development
including ideas & insights, tips & tricks to help you live a more centered, fulfilled and inspired life.
For the wild in heart, the dream chasers, the creative souls
and all the awesome individuals who share my desire to create a life we love,
I welcome you to join me to this exciting adventure, to learn, share, create and prosper.