My Top Three Goals for April
As much as I love setting goals (and boy I have a long list of those), having them actually achieved I love even more.
Achieving a goal will be much easier when having the right system that not only collects all your goals but also helps you in tracking your progress towards accomplishing them.
As this is, after all, a personal blog, I decided to make it into a monthly post to write my goals for the weeks ahead. This ‘Monthly Goals’ type of post will play the role of that system for me.
Every month I will pick my top three goals to focus on, and once I’m done with those three I’ll move to the next most important ones.
Assessing your goals monthly will strengthen your commitment to getting the things you need to get done, done, and making it into a habit will also make it easier.
I always enjoy reading monthly goals posts and I hope you’ll enjoy reading mine!
My Top Three Goals for April
1 | Declutter my Digital Space
Clutter accumulated in my digital space makes me feel stressed and unorganized as if it’s in my physical space.
This project will need serious time investment as I go through all steps in this post.
Hopefully, when I finish this time around, I will maintain it more frequently.
2 | Write (at least) one blog post per Week
I want to be consistent and post frequently. I hope one post a week is a challenge I can handle. I have so many ideas to write about and maybe having this goal will motivate me to write more often.
3 | Start Journaling
I have a Bullet Journal but I use it mainly as a planner. I know it can be an even more powerful tool when combined with journaling and memory keeping, so this month I want to try doing that.
What are your top three goals right now? Leave me a comment, I want to know!