Simple Living

Practise Self-Care every day

Welcome to my ‘Simplify your life’ series.

In case you missed it, be sure to read my first post in this series, where I share more tips on how to declutter your life.

Today I am sharing my ideas on how you can practice Self-Care every day.

Self-care is all about the little things you do to treat yourself, and it’s about knowing yourself, so it can be something different for everyone.

It can be the simplest thing that can take no more than 5 minutes or something bigger you maybe need to plan ahead.

With that being said, I’m sharing here my version of self-care.

Those are 45 self-care ideas you are welcome to use in your self-care routine, but I encourage you to

create your own list of ideas with what works for you.

  1. Eat a big healthy breakfast at your favorite cafe, or cook it yourself.
  2. Watch the sunrise/sunset.
  3. Light a Candle and relax on your couch.
  4. Take a Shower / Bath.
  5. Read a book.
  6. Make yourself some big tasty milkshake.
  7. Journal.
  8. Make a new playlist.
  9. Cover yourself in nice smelling lotions.
  10. Take a walk.
  11. Sit in a coffee shop and have a cup of relaxing coffee/tea.
  12. Listen to inspiring podcasts.
  13. Get up and Stretch/workout.
  14. Meditate.
  15. Watch a TED talk.
  16. Turn off your phone/computer for the day.
  17. Dance around the house to your favorite songs.
  18. Eat ice cream while watching your favorite tv-show.
  19. Go to the movies by yourself or with someone you love.
  20. Treat yourself with something on your wishlist.
  21. Draw with your radio on.
  22. Do a new haircut / freshen up your hair color.
  23. Call a friend.
  24. Go for a photography walk.
  25. Have friends over for a meal.
  26. Ride a bicycle.
  27. Buy some plants or flowers.
  28. Go to a show/concert/ comedy club.
  29. Plan a karaoke party or attend one.
  30. Print your favorite pictures.
  31. Cook a new recipe you never tried.
  32. Go swimming (for fun, not exercise) at the beach or pool.
  33. Go to dancing lessons.
  34. Host a movie night.
  35. Spend some quality time with your sister/mom.
  36. Sit on the grass and soak up some sun.
  37. Look at the stars.
  38. Watch the clouds.
  39. Plan out your next big family vacation.
  40. Wear a dress that makes you feel beautiful.
  41. Bake something. just for fun.
  42. Have a picnic with family or friends.
  43. Make/write out a card to a loved one.
  44. Write a letter to yourself.
  45. Enjoy a relaxing nap.

What is your version of self-care?

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